"Leah, Leah, Leah, my dear sweet Leah, how does your garden grow?"

My true love has my heart, and I have his. Together in marriage, together at heart. In good times and hard. In sickness and in health. For now and forever.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Petty Army Wife rant

I'm really beginning to think it's petty army wife month, between my own bullshit going on and others... Why is it that we can't all just either get along or accept our differences of opinion and act like adults?? I would never do what has been done to me and I can't even imagine why people do things like that to others. Maybe I'm too nice of a person and only get mad about things that matter to me, but if I say to leave me alone, that's all I mean. I won't bring it up to other people, or if I do, I won't use your name... that's how I am. I will tell my friends what's going on but leave names out of it just so I can vent to a friend. If others vent to me, I try to leave names out of it, but I don't like the petty bullshit and I'm done with it. Seriously, grow up and act like an adult instead of like we're all in high school

It bugs the hell out of me. And if I weren't who I am, I would drag this woman's name through the mud, out of hiding and blast her online. But I'm nice and above that. I really hate her and just want her in my past, a thought I never think about again. I even know when and where she works out (Steve told me) and if I wanted to confront her, which I really do badly, I would go there, but I won't because I know it would end badly and even my best friend told me not to. AND FYI my best friend doesn't even know this woman's name because I simply don't do that. If I can be above things like that and be raging mad like I am (shaking and furious) why can't everyone else?

So many people claim to want "World Peace" but honestly so many of those people who want peace or just to be out of war are the ones who cause the most drama. It bugs me so much. Especially people who use religion as why they can judge other people and spread lies about them.

I'm done, I'm over it and just want to say::

Yes I am loud and outgoing. Yes, I have tattoos and bright dyed raspberry red hair. I wear jeans and cowboy boots and tshirts with weird sayings on them. I don't meet anyone's expectations of what an Officer's wife should look like or act like, but guess what? My husband married me KNOWING who I am. He loves me, with all my tattoos, dyed hair, clothing style, attitude! He knows who I am and what I am and before anyone judges me based on my outer qualities, maybe they should get to know my heart...

I am the type of person who will help my worst enemy in their time of need. The type of person who volunteers to help animals or at risk youth, just so they'll have the hope of a better life. I am the kind of woman who will bend over backwards to do the right thing even if it hurts me.

The part that I wish EVERYONE could understand is that your behavior makes you who you are. NOT your beliefs, not your husband's rank, not how you dress or what clothes you wear or even your personality. It's how you act towards other people, those you like and those you don't like. It's how you act towards all living creatures that matters. 

We aren't in high school. We're in the Army life, the Military life and each one of us faces our own battles on a daily basis with this life. How is it that we can't just find it in each other to make peace with our differences, to move on and accept one another as we come? Why is it that we are worse than a bunch of high school girls and guys with all their cliques and bullying and drama? Why haven't we grown up? 

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