"Leah, Leah, Leah, my dear sweet Leah, how does your garden grow?"

My true love has my heart, and I have his. Together in marriage, together at heart. In good times and hard. In sickness and in health. For now and forever.

Friday, June 3, 2011

Dear Steve,

 Today we talked, about us. About what I was worried about and about what you had to say too. It was good. I fell in love with you nearly a year ago and I know that our future rests on your heart and your mind, because I know where I stand. You are the man I want to spend forever with. I'll never change my mind there. I have always been my worst enemy but this deployment has taught me about myself in more ways than I thought. This deployment taught me that through sacrifice there is strength, and through strength there is hope. I realized that you are the only man who would do anything for me if it's possible, just to see me happy and healthy. I love the man you are, both in your own life and to me and I'm so thankful to be yours. Hopefully for always.

This deployment has been difficult at times. Moving and getting settled without you here has been so hard to do because it feels wrong, like we're missing something. And we are. We are missing you. I want to start our lives. I want the years of being your wife and mother to our kids to begin now. I want to watch you grow as a man and as an Army Officer. I want you to live your dreams and I want to support those dreams, the way you have supported me since we've been apart. I want to be the woman you deserve for the rest of our lives. I want to be your Nancy.

When I heard your voice today, I felt the fears run away from me for a moment. You are safe, you are alive, and you are thinking of me. I need you in my life, like I've never needed anyone before and I cannot wait to have you home, in my arms and sharing our lives. I love you. I love you. I love you. I could say it a million times more but what good would it do? I love you just the same, even if it's unexplainable to you as to the whys. There are too many reasons, it's overwhelming, remember that list I sent you? Keep that as a reference.

Anyways, the kids are playing and driving me crazy. I have to get organized and I will. I need to make a list of what I need to get done before you come home. I won't tell you all of it, but know that I plan to make it very special. It's a big deal, at least to me, if not to you, so please let me celebrate the returning of my Hero. Until then I hope you stay safe for me and remember the promise you made me... not to make me cry... (which btw, you broke today when you said all those sweet things.)

Come home soon, my sweet Soldier. Come home soon, my Amazing Captain.  Come home to me, Stephen. <3 I love you

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