"Leah, Leah, Leah, my dear sweet Leah, how does your garden grow?"

My true love has my heart, and I have his. Together in marriage, together at heart. In good times and hard. In sickness and in health. For now and forever.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

No sleep and minor complaints

I didn't sleep a wink last night. I was up all night long watching Dexter and trying to fall asleep. It really was hard to sleep and I'm not even sure why. I just know that by the time I realized it, my husband was up for PT and it was too late. So about a half hour ago, I started coffee and am on my first cup now. My son is chilling next to me watching Dinosaur Train, his favorite show and my husband is home from PT. And I haven't slept at all. Now that I'm ready to fall asleep, and could easily (I feel that sheer exhaustion that would knock me out) I can't, because I have a dental appointment today and I'm dreading that in and of itself.

I guess, a part of me just reboots itself from time to time and a part of that is not sleeping. It happens a few times a year regularly but I got so used to this feeling when Steve was deployed and I haven't really had it since he came home. Now I have to deal with no sleep and a full day of a dental appointment and a repairman coming to fix our washing machine and two kids who will demand my attention and catching up on laundry and dealing with my husband being on Staff Duty tonight. Like I need anymore stuff to do, I have to book my kids doctors appointments and dental appointments and all I really want to do is sleep.

So I'm drinking coffee. One of the best coffees ever too, btw. My favorite Canadian coffee place lets you order their coffee online so I have a cup of fresh brewed Tim Horton's, or as I call it, Timmeh's. But anyways, for some reason my backspace key is sticking and I have a full day ahead of me, so I better get ready for the day.... I just can't wait til I can curl up and sleep. Just 12 - 15 more hours til bedtime.

God help me through.


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