"Leah, Leah, Leah, my dear sweet Leah, how does your garden grow?"

My true love has my heart, and I have his. Together in marriage, together at heart. In good times and hard. In sickness and in health. For now and forever.

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Leap Day Blessings

Today is February 29th, 2012. A leap year. Today is the day that happens only once every four years. I've been thinking alot today... about what has happened in my life since the last leap year and why I am so very blessed to be alive and have what I have. After all, not everyone is so lucky.

*~* I have an amazing husband, who is so supportive of me and my dreams. He's a great husband, who takes care of me when I'm sick, spoils me to make me smile and loves me unconditionally. He's a great father, who is content raising two kids that aren't his biologically but are his in heart. He's such a great soldier, who accomplishes so much and is willing to do so much for his Country. And he's such an intelligent man, graduating with his Master's degree, getting his second in a year's time.  I'm so proud of the man he is and so lucky that he is mine.

*~* I have two beautiful children: Lily and Jax, who are my whole world and show me the beautiful things in life every day. They are gorgeous and smart and so funny and kind. They protect each other and love each other. They love me and they love their Daddy. We are so lucky to have healthy children who have a future full of amazing possibilities in front of them.

*~* I have a home, with comfortable and nice furniture, plenty of food in the fridge, modern technology that is so amazing, clothes to wear and a vehicle to drive. I've been homeless before. I've had times where I starved so I could feed my children and clothing came from the donation bin at the salvation army. And I've had no vehicle several times. Life is so much better with all of that.

*~* I have a beautiful kitty who loves us and wants to show us love almost all the time. She's cute and sweet and the perfect cat.

*~* I have great friends who I talk to regularly, and some that I talk to occasionally. But if it weren't for my girls, Megan and Liz, I think I would go crazy not being able to talk to the two girls who know me best and who I love most.

*~* I have my Gram, who is an amazingly strong woman that I aspire to be like. She's been through so much and is strong and opinionated and wonderful. She's an inspiration in my life.

*~* I have Recruited ByLove, my support site that allows me to talk to so many amazing ladies and gents. They truly take my breath away with their strength and courage and they are so respectful (most of them, anyways) to each other and have such adult conversations. It makes me proud to know them all and to be expanding on it.

*~* I have fun toys, like my laptop, my tv, my game systems, my kindles, my phone, my camera... I am so blessed to have things that I can play with and enjoy.

*~* That my kids can participate in activities like Soccer and Dance class. It's nice to be able to send them to do things for fun, to make friends and to learn skills like team work and becoming their own person. It's so awesome to see how my kids are expanding with each passing moment.

*~* That we are getting a puppy soon. We've discussed it and have decided to adopt either a Mastiff or a Boxer puppy in May or June. We've even found two breeders (one of each breed). We had previously adopted from a shelter but after paying $1400 for a dog that died within a week and a half of bringing it home, we decided we'd rather go with a breeder this time and get a dog that we can train from puppy up and one that has papers that we can breed. :) I'm hoping to get a male mastiff and call him "Midas"

*~* That I've gotten all my dental work done (or will as of Monday) and won't have to worry about it after that except for maintaining. I never went to the dentist as a kid and it's so nice to finally feel better about myself.

*~* That I'm not getting abused in any way, shape or form. I was abused as a child by my mother. She tried to kill me and hurt me in any way she could, whether it was mentally, emotionally or physically. Our relationship ended completely when she aimed a shotgun at my head and we haven't spoken in a year. It's been a great year.

*~* That I have my Father's memory to carry with me. I am lucky to have had such an amazing father in my life. The fact that he's now passed away and I don't get to spend anymore time with him truly does hurt but I am still happy that I can remember him and know that he'd be proud of me for all that I do.

*~* To be an Army wife and to have a husband who I am so proud of for all he does for our Country. I am proud to be his wife, his public face while he's deployed or not at home for whatever reason. I'm proud to be among the 2% of the population who sacrifices so much for our country, whether it's going to war and losing your life or getting injured or sacrificing time with your family or loved one in order to support his or her dreams. I feel I am blessed to be part of this community and culture.

*~* I am blessed to have healthcare and dental insurance. It's so great to not worry about the cost of my prescriptions or seeing a doctor and having a huge medical bill. I'm so lucky that I can schedule my children for shots or physicals, that I can go to the Emergency room and not face horrendous fees for anything. It's so nice to have that worry off my mind.

I am probably blessed for so many other things that I can't think of right now, but I wanted to acknowledge what I could today, a leap day, a special day to say what matters most in your life and that's what matters most to me. My family, my cat, my life, their lives... it all matters to me.


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