"Leah, Leah, Leah, my dear sweet Leah, how does your garden grow?"

My true love has my heart, and I have his. Together in marriage, together at heart. In good times and hard. In sickness and in health. For now and forever.

Monday, June 27, 2011

Proud Mommy Moment

proud mommy moment ♥ I gave Lily and Jax each a glazed donut (went to walmart, got them a treat) and Lily waited for a bit to eat hers and when she was about to, she realized Jax was out so she tore hers in half and gave him it. ♥ awwwwwwwww SO PROUD!

My daughters overwhelming kindness to her brother, an action so seemingly small to her, has added a tiny crack to my heart, a crack because my heart grew a little bit more in love with my children,more in love with my soldier, more in love with my life and all that is in it, despite the stress and worry and loneliness I endure for that love... ♥

Being a mother is a thankless job, maybe once or twice a year and on the odd occasion she might be thanked, but it is rare... our satisfaction is seeing the qualities we wished them to possess shine, especially so young. It's reaffirming to know they have it in them.

I love being a mom. It's the hardest job with the crappiest pay I have ever had and I'm usually up to my elbows in toys, messes and all around chaos. I want to scream 99% of the time. But that 1%... that one moment where you see all the best that exists in the world shine through your child... There is nothing like it. ♥

My kitten, who like every animal that has truly ever been mine, puts absolute faith in me that I will always do the right thing. She trusts me to feed her, to be gentle with her, to love her. Just like being a mother, it's rewarding to have someone who will always have that absolute faith... Children often lose that in their parents, once they are revealed to be just as confused by life as they.

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