"Leah, Leah, Leah, my dear sweet Leah, how does your garden grow?"

My true love has my heart, and I have his. Together in marriage, together at heart. In good times and hard. In sickness and in health. For now and forever.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Thoughts on life.

You must be the change you wish to see in the world ~ Ghandi

Sometimes this quote really rings true for me. Since starting Recruited ByLove, I have done so much more than I ever thought I was capable of. I saved a great girl from doing something that would be forever unchangeable. I have helped two mothers in bad relationships get the help they need. I’ve been there for countless girls, listening to them vent, offering advice and giving them a friend whenever they need. Recruited is more than just a support site, it’s a calling and it’s mine. I have so many ideas and watching this page grow has been such an amazing adventure. I’ve never had so much love in my heart and I’ve never felt so good in my life. Having these girls, my boyfriend, my kids, living in the States (even if it’s a state that I hate) has been good.

So HE arrives in less than two days. He’ll be here Tuesday Afternoon and my heart skips a beat whenever I think about it. He is beyond all doubts the best man in my life and I would do everything and more to keep him in it for the rest of it. Yesterday I went shopping for food and ended up loading up on some stuff that I really love and picked up the ingredients to make Chicken-Fried steak. It will be so amazing. I also got my “welcome home” outfit put together. I picked up these almost army-style camo pants, a grey shirt which I customized to say “OPERATION TAKE THIS OFF and you’re in charge!” Underneath I will be wearing a very sexy pair of panties and bra. They are pink and black with black lace and a little silver bow in the middle of the bra and panties. So cute. I asked the girls on RBL and they said it sounded cute too. So whew.
Today I’m doing laundry. My god, washing all the blankets and just this weeks clothes and towels is taking forever. I can’t believe how much it takes sometimes. I have devote a day entirely to laundry, just to get it done. But it will all be done, everything will smell good and he’ll be laying in my bed in just a few days <3 My God, I am so excited and anxious.

Every fault I have is sticking out. I’ve broken out and I’m barely sleeping so I have bags under my eyes. Tomorrow I have dedicated to being my at home spa day. All day I will be getting ready, painting my nails, dying my hair a nice lovely shade of brown, and best yet, getting my room together. Also I have to fit homework in there, so I bought the biggest can of monster they sell and am going to force myself to get everything done for the week Monday night and Tuesday morning.

One of my neighbors agreed to babysit for me so I can go out with HIM alone YAY! Thank Gosh. I’ve been searching for one and less than three days prior, I found one. WOOT!

Anyways, I’d better get back to my day. Just wanted to check in. Have a gooder

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