"Leah, Leah, Leah, my dear sweet Leah, how does your garden grow?"

My true love has my heart, and I have his. Together in marriage, together at heart. In good times and hard. In sickness and in health. For now and forever.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Saturday, May 12, 2012

I can't even title this.

Let me just start this blog with the fact that I may be changing up my blogging style soon. I am not really sure actually, I know that I've been blogging for what seems like the majority of my life (well, since Xanga and we all know how long ago that was, ummm 9th grade?! So 2001-2, so about 10 years.) and I feel like I've always been lacking something. Well today, I have thought about it and I'm going to be creating a new blog, importing all my old blog entries and starting over with the design and all that because... well I want to.

Anyways, maybe part of this happened because of Jenny Lawson. You don't know who Jenny Lawson is???  She is, without a doubt, my new hero. Steve says that I'm obsessed but since I don't know her personally, I'll just have to go with very, very interested in her work, not her. I don't know her, so I'm not a psycho-stalker. You have to know someone in person to be a psycho-stalker. But I digress. What is important is why Jenny Lawson has become a common name my wonderfully accepting husband can recognize.

I just bought "Let's Pretend This Never Happened" by Jenny Lawson. She is the author of that wonderfully funny and weirdly cute blog called the Bloggess. Well, I've only managed to get through the first three chapters so far, because I started reading it outloud to my husband. And now it's become a bonding experience. Kind of like "Look at how fucked up this woman lived and see, I'm not so weird now because there's someone else who thinks the Zombie Apocolypse is no laughing matter. Well, he finds it more off-the-wall funny than relatable like I do, but either way, me reading to him like he was a blind, old man in a retirement home is actually a very beautiful bonding moment. Anyways, the book. I love it. I think it's actually seeping into my head and making me think that my every thought is worth sharing. Like, this morning I tried to pinch my husband's nipple and I did but I pulled and he swore that I would pull it off but I told him they sell replacements online, and the Army doesn't care if he's one nipple short anyways, but again, I digress. Read "Let's Pretend This Never Happened," By Jenny Lawson aka the Bloggess. Super funny and totally going to offend. :)

Anyways, I have become completely obsessed with sharing my every thought with my husband who I'm thinking is now afraid to be alone with me, judging by the fact that while I'm upstairs blogging, he's down in the garage, gaming on his laptop, hiding from me. Not that this is new, actually, it's not new at all. He's always down there when he has time off work, unless I ask him to hang out with me. But still, I think now he's truly worried about my sanity or his safety or perhaps both. I can't be sure.

Also today, I made a discovery: Apparently, my dog likes candy. But not just the candy, the wrappers too. I found this out by discovering a pile of poop with candy wrappers inside of the poop. I'm a little jealous. I can't process wrappers quite so well. I'm not even upset by him stealing my pez or my chocolate. At first I was worried that the chocolate would kill him but then he took a big dump in the side yard, so I knew he'd be fine. I am jealous that while he can have all this candy and the wrappers too, he doesn't seem to gain weight or have a problem with choking or digesting said wrappers. Unfair if you ask me. I know you didn't, that's why I'm sharing!!!

I'm also doing laundry today, because that's what Moms are for, although I think it is kind of pointless. I mean, not the washing or drying of the laundry, that has a point. It becomes clean and wearable again without getting weird looks in public or having people whisper behind your back about how you smell funny or having Child Welfare called on you because your kids are in clothes that have never be washed. Always wash your clothes. That's important. It's the other thing that's pointless.I hate putting away laundry. I know we're all going to wear it again so it seems a waste to fold it and put it away. Especially since I'll pull out half of everything I own in a day to find something to wear and then just leave it there until it gets washed again or I find something I want to wear a few days from the first day I pull it out. And my kids always end up pulling most everything they own out while showing me what they want to wear, which makes me crazy because then I either have to put it away again, or just pretend it got worn and throw it in a laundry basket. I will not admit to what I actually do

Anyways, I'm folding laundry and every member of my household has more underwear in this load than I do. Which means, my family wears underwear every day. But I'm curious about other people. I'm curious whether other people wear underwear. I do and I don't. It depends on what I'm wearing. If I wear a skirt or dress, yes, I do. But if I put on a pair of jeans, I don't. I think this is economical. Like you save money washing underwear and also, this means you need less pairs between laundry days. Also, I don't like panty-lines. But it's ok sometimes, like if I'm wearing short-shorts, then I like to say "yes, my jean shorts look like boys underwear but really, I am wearing a real pair underneath." So, this leaves me curious of whether other people wear underwear. And I don't know why this is what I'm curious about today. I guess I just don't care enough to know who you will vote for or if you are eating healthy or if that one little kid your friend knows finally got that marble unstuck from his nose. No, my concern is your underwear wearing cycles.

But that's all I have to say for now....

Oh wait, it's not. I have something else. 

I bought the world's best 99 cent kindle book:::::::

"Bedtime Stories for Children You Hate"... I might cry from being so excited to read these to my husband as we go to sleep... I may also read these to my kids when they are bad or make me crazy... (Ok, mostly kidding about reading them to my children, I hate when they have nightmares. I have to get up and make them feel better and then I'm just sooo tired the next day so I better skip reading these to them and just focus on giving my husband nightmares. He can comfort himself, or if not, at least I don't have to get up.)

Ok, that's it. This is what makes me happy and I'm going to work on the new blog design and post the link sometime soon... When I get to it. I've been busy. Life is a busy busy thing. Also I hope that none of my husband's future commanders read my blog, otherwise, I think the might be concerned that my husband is living with a lunatic. I'm not crazy. As Sheldon says, My mother had me tested. 

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

I'm feeling better with a Devils win!!!

If you don't know this about me, you should know I'm a hockey fan. Like a huge one. My team: New Jersey Devils! Yes, I am a proud member of the Devil Army and I am a huge fan (maybe even bigger than of the team itself) of Martin Brodeur, the goalie of the Devils. Well, tonight my team is in the playoffs against our biggest rivals the Philadelphia Floaters (Flyers, I really hate them). And we won!!!! It was a huge win too! 4 to 1 and an awesome win. All 4 points were earned in the 3rd period and it was epic. I can't say this enough, but Hockey is my favorite sport of all time, only followed by Soccer and Football. Then Baseball. But Hockey, well... there's nothing like it. The fierceness, the endurance, the strength, the talent... Hockey is a game where you'll see some of the most aggressive action in the world and the most fights on the Ice and then you'll see the best teamwork and the most graceful actions by men that you wouldn't consider graceful anywhere else. And Martin Brodeur, well he's the best goalie in History. Seriously, 3 Stanley Cups, 2 Olympic Gold Medals and countless broken records under his belt. Plus he's one of the few players who made a career out of ONE team. I am an adoring fan and wish with all my heart I could see him play. A part of me is hoping that it'll be St. Louis vs Devils just so I can go to a game here. I really hope so.

Anyways, I'm stoked about the win, but I'm also excited because for the first time in almost a week, I'm feeling better. I'm not sure how it happened. I think it's just things felt so bad that there was no where to go but up. So I went forward and one thing led to another and everything came together to make me feel better. Steve wanted to go out to dinner tonight and got a call from the Library. Guess who left his ID card in a computer? Yep, my husband! Haha. So I had to drive him on Post to grab it. And then we left the coupons for dinner at home so we drove by the Hub (German restaurant here that I love!) and it was closed and as we were looking for a place, I saw a steak house and we decided to stop. My God, the food was great! Colton's is what the place was called and we had a great dinner. And we had fun. It's been a lot of down time lately that having actual fun kind of surprised me, but we did. And I'm glad. We needed it.

So all in all, a Devil's win and a great night with my family made for an amazing evening here. and I'm happy. I just hope tomorrow holds the same minus the hockey part because I don't care who wins tomorrow's games. Devils play on Thursday. :)

Much love. 

Pictures of my family

I love this man... always and forever. With my whole heart. 

my beautiful babies.



Just a random rambling post

In the quiet of the night, I feel the most at peace. 
Not a sound, not even a whisper of anyone else awake... 
Sometimes that's when I feel the most alive, in the dead of the night.

I just spent the whole night doing things that I wasn't able to get done yesterday (It's 330 on Tuesday Morning). But beyond doing what needed to be done, I took a bath in this milk bath stuff I got today (and it felt oh-so-good to sit in the tub with steaming hot water, candles burning and a good book in my hand). I also cleaned my pores for the 2nd time this week (I'm really trying to make my skin stay youthful longer now) and then braided my hair so it won't get into a mess after I finally close my eyes. I also managed to fill out all the paperwork needed for the Army...

Ah, the Army. What a pain in the ass it was today. (Let me say this before I begin my ... bitch fest::: I love the Army. I love the Military. I'm so proud to be an Army wife and to be the daughter of a true American Hero and I am so honored to be among the 2% of the population that deals with this life every day, all day but sometimes, it can get on your nerves.) Steve had to go for his SRP and do a few other in-processing things. First, we stopped by Tricare and registered (finally got the SSN thing worked out, for the longest time my care was still under my father's instead of my husband's and now it's finally fixed). Then we went to lunch before he went back for his finance briefing and while he did that I went to the commissary (grocery shopping time, which went very well). Well, he texts me and says it'll take a few hours, so I start to head off post, only to have him call me and ask me to turn around, that he'll be done in five or ten minutes. Well twenty minutes later, I call him and ask him what's up. He tells me he's doing his SRP and that I should go drop the groceries off (I was in the parking lot waiting for him), so I go home (and almost got killed by some dumbass driver who decided the road was a great place to stop and reverse when I was right behind him, I avoided being hit by less than 2 feet, not comforting.) So I drop off all the refrigerated and freezer stuff because he tells me "Hearing test then done." So I rush and then he calls me while I'm on my way back to post. "It'll take a little while longer." By this time it's already been 2 hours or so. So the kids and I head to the PX just to see what's for sale. I ended up getting two books and some gummy candies from Germany (Haribo rocks!!) and he texts me "Almost done" So I tell him ok, let me pay, I'll head over and pick you up. This is at 1600. I drive over and park and say I'm waiting and he texts me and says almost done again. So I wait. A half hour later, he is actually done and walks out of the building. His excuse was that they didn't tell him it'd take so long but I had already assumed it would. So I guess my aggravation today was mixed between the Army's in-processing and his constant "Almost done" thing.

Anyways, I finally make it home and unload the rest of the groceries, send him out for sushi and around 1945 the kids are in jammies and head to bed. So I washed the bath tub and soaked for a while before showering and when I got out. I felt so much better, less stressed. Then I chilled for a bit before I started cleaning randomly. The kitchen is spotless again. Papers that we needed filled out are filled out completely except the parts I don't know with post-its on each page so he knows what I need him to do before turning it in.

And at 330, I finally got ready for bed. I guess this post was kind of pointless but it's the middle of the night and I ramble then. Much love.

Great song

Great song:::

Sometimes, it just takes a song you listened to once a long time ago to remember that it's what you were looking for all along.

Great song, btw. Better than Ezra~ Overcome.