I am very happy with my life, with most aspects. I have two amazingly beautiful kids, who make every single day an adventure. I am living in upstate New York (during my "deployment") and while my family is great, I'm already anxious to move away, closer to my Hero.

I have an amazing man in my life who is everything I've always wanted in a man. He's funny, brilliant (working on his Masters degree), strong, honorable, charming, kind, generous, caring, handsome, adorable, sweet and romantic. He makes every single day during this deployment easier by letting me know he misses me in little ways and sometimes, not so little ways. He sends me flowers (first, when I was moving from Canada and second, for my birthday), gets me little gifts (for my birthday, he sent me an amazing harddrive that I wanted; a teddy bear with his Engineering symbol on it; and most recently a care package from Afghanistan that had a few shirts, one that said Real Soldier on it, and his PT shirt which smells like him, another teddy bear, stoneware and something that fits my personality). He also supports and encourages every single thing I do. Whenever I have a problem, he wants to help me solve it and doesn't think that I'm over reacting, or if he does, he never says so, he simply says that he's there for me, that I'm strong and I can handle it. He is also so supportive over my plans to start online classes in January.
I am switching apartments in the next few days and I'm so glad to do it. There's way too much drama living in this place, since my mother's boyfriend is my landlord, so switching is the best way to ease that up in my life. I have applied for scholarships and grants for school and am pretty sure that I'm starting in January. It's the perfect plan. I'm so excited and to have someone who cares about me so much, supporting my every move. I am head over heals for Steve, my Captain. He's my number one fan and I'm his. We're perfect for each other and I'll never get over him. <3 He's my everything.
Lily and Jax are getting big. Jax is so tall and really not fat as much as he is just bigger. Whenever we go out, people ask if they are twins and can hardly believe that Jax is the youngest of them. It's really sweet and cute actually. I am absolutely crazy about my Babies and will never give them up for the world. They are my angels. <3
So r&r is less than a month and a half away... I'm so excited to see him again. We have plans to do some things together outside but I have a feeling most of our days will be spent curled up next to each other, hearing his heart beat, smelling him, feeling his arms wrapped around me. Getting new pictures... saying three little words that both of us don't want to say over the phone or online.
We have a skype date later <3
He's my absolute Hero <3